"Based upon Marvel's iconic Super Hero, Iron Man tells the story of Tony Stark, a billionaire industrialist and genius inventor who is kidnapped and forced to build a devastating weapon. Instead, using his intelligence and ingenuity, Tony builds a high-tech suit of armor to fight for crime. Upon his return to America, Tony must come to terms with his past. When he uncovers a nefarious plot with global implications, he dons his powerful armor and vows to protect the world as Iron Man."
it's cool to see surprisingly lyrical and graceful shots of Iron Man flying alongside warplanes! Another fantastic, fun comic-hero movie on the board!
There's the pleasure and intensity of seeing Robert Dowey Jr. playing a character of Iron Man.. i find it really interesting when i saw the trailer of this movie! And seeing Robert Dowey Jr. playing that character! Tony Stark tailored to his talent: glib arms merchant who disocver his inner superhero more out of feelings of guilt and payback than honor and idealism.
Here's the trailer of IRON MAN
Strength level: Without his armor Tony Stark possesses the normal strength of normal human man his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. His armor magnifies Stark strength to superhuman levels, enabling him to lift (press) roughly 85 times.
Known superhuman powers: none
Other abilities: Tony Stark is a genius who is a responsible for numerous major discoveries, inventions, and other achievements in various areas of technology.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Iron Man wears a sophisticated suit a body armor containing various offensive weaponry.
Soo cool!! I'm pretty Impressed on how the suit come out!! Very nice
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